Maritime Injuries in Louisiana

There is no question that working on an offshore oil rig is among the most dangerous jobs in the world. If you work in any position as a sea person or longshore person, from the moment you step onto the transport vessel until you are safely back on land, you face tougher weather and work conditions than most people can imagine. At Christopher Trahan, Attorney at Law, we protect your health, career, and financial future through legal help with a maritime injury in Louisiana.

Don't wait for an insurance company to step up to help you after an injury. If you’ve been hurt anywhere in the Gulf Coast region, we can help. Just one oil rig injury can threaten your livelihood. What’s worse is that after your injury, you face a multinational corporation and insurance company with professional insurance adjusters and lawyers to protect their interests. Any oil rig injury lawyer representing you needs skill and experience in handling these cases involving oil rig mishaps and maritime claims under the:

  • Jones Act
  • Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWC)
  • Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act

The Resources and Personal Touch To Be Successful

There are no skid marks on waves. Injuries on oil rigs and on the open seas require thorough investigation by people who understand how to find and evaluate the evidence. Our maritime lawyers work with professional investigators and oil drilling consultants to secure evidence and take witness statements immediately. We look for every responsible party who may share liability for paying for your injuries and damages.

We believe that you are best-served by working directly with your attorney, so our firm has been kept small and personal. It has the resources to fight effectively without handing your case off from lawyer-to-lawyer or paralegal-to-paralegal. These resources help you recover damages for:

  • Medical Treatment
  • Loss of Income
  • Loss of Future Earning Capacity
  • Pain and Suffering
  • Punitive Damages for Gross Negligence

What Our Oil Rig Injury Lawyers Can Do

If you have lost a loved one in a maritime or oil rig crash, we can help you file a claim under the Death on the High Seas Act (DOHSA). Just because the occurrence didn’t take place on land, that doesn’t mean it isn’t still bound by our land’s laws. We represent workers of any classification injured in virtually any type of maritime catastrophe, such as:

  • Injuries On Transport Helicopters or Boats
  • Oil Rig Injuries, Including Those On Tender-Assisted Rigs, Jack Up Rigs, and Semi-Submersibles
  • Casino Boat Injuries
  • Injuries On Drill Ships and Barges
  • Underwater Welder Injuries

Speak to us at a complimentary consultation to get started. All you have to do is contact us and we’ll do the rest.